In this passage of Scripture, Pastor Nathan teaches on giftings in the body of Christ based on Silas and Judas exercising their gift of prophecy after delivering their message from the council in Jerusalem and the edification that resulted. He also discusses the history of John-Mark and the disagreement that came up between Paul and […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip begins teaching from Acts chapter 6 where there is an issue that causes disunity on the part of the Hellenistic Jews. Up until this point the early church was in a honeymoon period where there was great unity and harmony, but this issue caused contention. Pastor Phillip shows us how […]
Since this Sunday the 18th anniversary of Living Water Fellowship, Pastor Phillip taught on one of our church’s core values – the doctrine of love. In this exhortation, which is also derived from our current study in Hebrews 10, we are encouraged to realize the responsibility we have to minister to others in the body […]