In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Galatians in chapter 5 and discusses Paul’s strong message of rejecting salvation through the Law. Evidently some of these false teachers began to say that Paul was teaching circumcision was necessary in addition to faith in Jesus based on what Paul says in chapter 5 […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip discusses the importance of not speaking evil of one another and explaining why James relates it to judging one another. Looking into the examples that Jesus gives in the gospels, he shows us how we easily judge the hearts of others but neglect to hold ourselves to the same standards.
Today, Pastor Phillip focuses in on why disciples of Christ are called Christians, which is taken directly from our text today in Acts chapter 11. It has been widely taught that the name Christians was a derogatory term to mock the early followers of Jesus, but Pastor Phillip challenges that assumption and shows from scripture […]