In this week’s sermon, Pastor Phillip discusses how Christ is found through the story of Balaam which is found in Numbers. Balaam was asked by Balak the King of Moab to curse the Israelites because he felt threatened, but God had other plans. Listen to find out how Christ is seen through this historical account!
In this sermon, Pastor Phillip explores the incredible revelation of Christ to Moses on Mt. Sinai in the burning bush as “The Angel of the Lord”. It is here that Moses asks who he should say sent him to the children of Israel in Egypt and God responds “I AM that I AM”. In the […]
In this sermon, Pastor Phillip launches a new series called “Christ in Exodus” which follows on the heals of “Christ in Genesis”. As an introductory message, Pastor Phillip explains how we are to be understanding the Old Testament in light of Christ, even as Christ himself discussed with the disciples after He had risen “Then […]