In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in his series “Mount Zion and the City of God” and dives deep into the 3rd of the 4 elements Acts 2:42 depicts the disciples continuing in: The breaking of bread. Sharing a meal has immense significance throughout biblical history and in the history of many cultures. Here Pastor […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in his sermon series “Mount Zion and the City of God” and today discusses the importance and nuances of fellowship. God designed us for community and it is in a community of like-minded believers that are committed to the Word of God that we can truly thrive!
In this message, Pastor Nathan addresses core value #4 and #5: Unity with Diversity and Family Integrated Ministry. These are important aspects of our church and represent some of the greatest blessings of our fellowship. Unity is important to maintain and is the heart of God concerning His people. Over and over throughout scripture God […]
Since this Sunday the 18th anniversary of Living Water Fellowship, Pastor Phillip taught on one of our church’s core values – the doctrine of love. In this exhortation, which is also derived from our current study in Hebrews 10, we are encouraged to realize the responsibility we have to minister to others in the body […]