In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Acts chapter 22 where Paul’s story in Jerusalem continues to unfold as he addresses the Jewish people in Jerusalem. He addresses how Paul strategically used his rights of citizenship to avoid an unnecessary scourging by the Romans and how we, as American citizens, can and […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip picks up where Pastor Nathan left off last week at the moment where the Jews from Asia caused a disturbance in the temple over Paul’s presence there. He does a masterful job showing the tension that existed between the Jews and the Christians, but also with Rome and the Jewish […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip digs deep in to the mode of Paul’s ministry in Athens and the message that Paul gives to the Greek philosophers who were interested in understanding more about this strange religion that he was preaching. In his sermon on Mars Hill, Paul explains to them the one true God and […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip begins a new chapter in our study of Acts and dives into the Paul’s strategy for ministry and the mob that resulted from the jealousy and envy that cropped up in the Jewish leaders minds. God still worked though the ministry of Paul and Silas in Thessalonica, and many people […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in his teaching of Acts 16 where we find Paul and Silas encounter the demon possessed slave girl, and after casting out the demon from her, they end up getting beaten and thrown in prison without fair trial. There they praise the Lord, God rescues them and the Jailer […]