In this week’s message, Pastor Phillip continues in his study of Galatians. This week he teaches on the second fruit of the Spirit listed here in Galatians: Joy. Pastor Phillip shows us how there are two kinds of joy. Natural joy and supernatural joy and how God can give us supernatural joy that are not […]
In this sermon, Pastor Phillip continues in his new study of James. He discusses the adversity we in America have to trials and difficulties in our lives and that God may very well be using to conform us into the image of Christ. In addition to this, he gives an encouragement to father’s for Father’s […]
This week, we start a new study in the book of James! In this message, Pastor Phillip focuses on some historial background for the book of James answering some of the major questions like “Who was James?”, “Where was he when he wrote this book?”, “Who was the book written to?” and so forth. These […]
In this message, Pastor Nathan explores the messages proclaimed around the time of Christ’s birth and emphasizes the need we have to remember and celebrate every day the reason that Christ came to earth.