In this message, Pastor Phillip begins a new chapter in our study of the book of Acts. Here we learn that Paul and Apollos both move on to different areas where God was calling them and God uses Paul to instruct believers who were only acquainted with the baptism of John the Baptist. Pastor Phillip […]
In this week’s message, Pastor Phillip teaches on several concepts we see displayed here in Chapter 8, namely the laying on of hands, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the consequent manifestation of that baptism through a miraculous gift of the Spirit. He also addresses the sin of Simon the sorcerer who had proclaimed […]
In this sermon, Pastor Phillip begins studying in chapter 8 of Acts where we see the Saul, who will be shortly named Paul, begin the persecution of the early church as a result a Stephens death. This resulted in a scattering of the believers and particularly one named Phillip, who went around preaching the Gospel. […]