In this message, Pastor Phillip covers the last three fruits of the Spirit: Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. Faithfulness is one that’s not so popular in today’s culture because faithfulness involves duty and duty is not something everyone’s ready to jump on – but God delights in faithfulness because He is faithful. Pastor Phillip explains what […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip wraps up his series “Mt. Zion and the City of God” with a focus on the important mindset of living as strangers in this world, as those who are not permanent residents of this earth. He addresses the aspects of suffering that we go through in this life as a […]
In this sermon, Pastor Phillip continues in his series called “Mount Zion and the City of God” where currently we are focusing on the description of 4 things the early church was devoted to, with this week’s emphasis being on prayer. Pastor Phillip discusses our souls need for prayer and how the pursuit of God […]