In this message, Pastor Nathan continues in our study of Hebrews chapter 12. Paul continues in verses 18 through 24 to contrast the Old Covenant with the New Covenant to these Jewish believers in order to demonstrate the superior blessings and attributes of the New Covenant in Christ Jesus. As we will see, this continues […]
In This Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Phillip discusses several aspects of Christ’s high priestly service that were foreshadowed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in Christ in establishing the New Covenant. He addresses the priesthood of the believer, the purpose for which Christ saved us, and much more. May this sermon encourage and edify you as […]
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Phillip addresses several “Ask the Pastor” questions and then teaches on Hebrews 8 where we see God expounding on the establishing of the new covenant through Christ. This is a helpful and timely message.