In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Luke where John the Baptist is preaching the message of repentance and the hearts of the people are stirred by the moving of the Holy Spirit. They believe John may be the promised Messiah, but John points specifically to the one to come. In this […]
In this message, Pastor Nathan discusses the coming of John the baptist as the forerunner of the Messiah and the impact of the message of repentance for the Jewish people. There is a difference between saying “I’m sorry” and true, genuine repentance which Pastor Nathan explains that John the Baptist preached to Jewish people.
In this message, Pastor Nathan discusses how pride is the at the heart of so much of the sin that we commit but that God calls us to repentance and humility. Digging into the heart of God’s desire for us, we see how devious pride really is but how God’s grace abounds to those who […]
Have you seen a radical transformation in someone’s life? If you have, you somewhat understand the bewilderment of the Jews and the cautioned surprise of the Christ followers in Damascus when Saul (now called Paul) begins to convince people in the temple that Jesus is the Christ! In today’s message, Pastor Phillip discusses this transformation […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of the book of Acts in chapter 2. He addresses Peter’s continued admonition in verse 40 to “Be saved from this perverse generation!” and the implications of this for Paul’s audience as well as for us. Discussing something brought up earlier by Peter in chapter 2, […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip addresses one of the most difficult passages in Hebrews dealing with chapter 6 verses 1 through 9. The writer begins by explaining how we need to mature in our faith from the basic tenants of the Christian faith and lists six successive things for us to consider. Then he discusses […]