Today, Pastor Phillip begins a new study through the book of Galatians! He focuses on an introduction to the book and dives into some of the topics that Paul begins with right out of the gate. This book is different than other books that Paul wrote because he is writing to correct some issues that […]
As we start a new chapter in James, Pastor Phillip deals with the destructive power of the tongue and how we as people so easily sin with our tongue. He makes an important connection to the verse at the beginning of the passage that those in the church or home who are teaching, can easily […]
This week, Pastor Phillip begins by sharing the vision God placed on our hearts for 2022 at our annual Pastors Retreat and what that looks like moving forward. Then, continuing on in our study of Acts, he continues to teach in chapter 5 where we left off last week in verse 39. These last four […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of the book of Acts in chapter 2. He addresses Peter’s continued admonition in verse 40 to “Be saved from this perverse generation!” and the implications of this for Paul’s audience as well as for us. Discussing something brought up earlier by Peter in chapter 2, […]
In this Father’s Day message, Pastor Phillip speaks to fathers about their God given responsibility to teach and disciple their children and the culture’s war against their responsibility in the home. Dad’s will appreciate Pastor Phillip’s emphasis on the importance of children honoring their father, a concept that has been lost in our current generation […]