LWF Bible Reading Vision for 2025

One of the things I continue to marvel at is the blessing of having the full counsel of God through the cannon of Scripture. God has put together His Word so that we have the blessing of understanding and recognizing who God is and the plan He made to redeem mankind through His Son Jesus Christ!

Our church’s 7th core value is “The Priority of God’s Word” which states this:

“Without the Bible, the church would be a ship without a rudder. The Word of God is our rule of faith, and even though the interpretation of various verses are debatable, there are enough clear teachings to keep us occupied with eternal matters, instead of getting distracted by temporal disputes. The Bible says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Having a knowledge of the Scripture is important, but obeying it is even more critical. Jesus gave a parable about two foundations which can be built upon, a foundation of sand or a foundation of rock. The house built on sand which could not withstand the test of storms was analogous of a person who hears the Word of God, but does not act upon it.”

This core value is derived from the scripture that is mentioned within it which is 2 Timothy 3:16-17. This passage says

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”

As your pastors, we firmly believe in the inerrancy and sufficiency of God’s Word for our lives as believers and it grieves us that so many Christians have not familiarized themselves with the full counsel of God, the gift that God has given us in the written scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments. A survey done by Lifeway Research in 2016 shows that only 11% of the surveyed individuals had read the Bible in it’s entirety at least once.

We would like to invite each one of you to join us in reading through the Bible in 2025. You are welcome to use any Bible reading plan that you like, though we do believe that having everyone on the same plan would facilitate encouraging dialog and faith-building discussions throughout the year in a unique way.

Recently during his Sermon, Pastor Phillip recommended a Bible reading plan that he has personally used and recommended before to our church for everyone to use. You will be able to pick up a copy of this plan on the back table, but we also hope to make this resource available soon via online link for download and printing as well as in a Bible reading app.

Track your reading via print off

You can download the Bible Reading Plan for 2025 and print it off yourself. Here are a few different formats: .docx (Word Document) Download | PDF Download

Pastor Phillip also plans to have more copies on the back table at church for you to pick up if you would like a physical copy and not have to print it off yourself.

Track your reading via iPhone Application

For iPhone users, you can download the ReadingPlan app and then search for “2025 Living Water Fellowship Bible Reading Plan” inside the application.

Track your reading via Android Application

Many of you have asked about Android, and we are working on a solution for that as we speak. Stay tuned….

Many of you are already strong proponents of reading through scripture in a year and have done so many times, and we are grateful for your example! Some of you faithfully read scripture, but only certain portions of scripture. Regardless of where you are in your Bible reading journey – please join us as we get to know our God and Savior better through His Word!


  1. Reply
    Jan Dodd says:

    Very interested

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