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LWF Pastor’s Official Response to COVID-19

Dear church,

During a time when our world is in the state of crisis, we need to be reminded of the truths of God’s word. Some are responding out of fear and hysteria. But we must remain committed to trusting in the Lord even in the midst of this uncertain time – not being fearful but faith-full.

1 Timothy 1:7 says “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

We will still plan on meeting this coming Sunday, Lord willing, but we do want to ask that we exercise a greater amount of caution regarding our interaction.

  • If you are feeling sick in the least, it’s important for you to stay home and rest for the safety of others.
  • We have to admit, we are a congregation that loves to love others and we share many hugs. Hugging is something that we recommend refraining from over the next several weeks. Instead, lovingly replace the hug with a fist-bump or the new suggested method of elbow bumps. Try and keep a loving distance.
  • MEALTIME: Since we care about your health, we feel it is best to cancel our mealtime following the church service for the next few weeks to keep from spreading germs. 
  • If you or someone in your family should contract COVID-19, or are simply not feeling well, please let us know. We will gladly pray for you as you recover at home. We love you and want to pray for your full recovery and help minister to you however possible.

We love each one of you dearly and are praying for you, your health, and continued trust in the Lord. May we rest in Christ, resolve to love those around us, care for them without fear, and shine as lights to a dark world during this time.

With love in Christ,

Your LWF Pastors

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