In this message, Pastor Phillip teaches about how our view of money and finances is really shaped by the American dream and not by the Word of God. He shows how scripture honors those who have little and that the rich man’s pursuits will come to ruin. Pastor Phillip balances this subject with a broad […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip addresses something that easily steals our joy in the midst of trials or difficulties that God has us going through – comparison. When we compare the trial we are going through to other’s trials, it robs us of the joy that God wants to give us. In addition to this, […]
In this sermon, Pastor Phillip continues in his new study of James. He discusses the adversity we in America have to trials and difficulties in our lives and that God may very well be using to conform us into the image of Christ. In addition to this, he gives an encouragement to father’s for Father’s […]
This week, we start a new study in the book of James! In this message, Pastor Phillip focuses on some historial background for the book of James answering some of the major questions like “Who was James?”, “Where was he when he wrote this book?”, “Who was the book written to?” and so forth. These […]