The Pharisees taught many extra-biblical things that they believed made them right before God. Man made traditions and cooked up ceremonies. They all gave an appearance of being in close relationship with God, when in reality, they were as far from God as you could imagine. How often are you and I like this? How […]

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Lord, Make Us Runners – Mark 6:52-7:13

When’s the last time you were so desperate to get or achieve something that you physically ran? In our message today, Pastor Phillip discusses how we see the people literally ran to bring people to Jesus who were in need of His miraculous intervention. They understood the urgency of the timing, because this was a […]

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The Death of a Righteous Man – Mark 6:14-29

Have you ever had someone get very upset with you over something you did or said? You remember, they have the “I’m going to come and get you and make you pay!” kind of attitude? Well, you would have been in good company with John the Baptist. Someone was after him, and she wanted his […]

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The Sending Out Of The Twelve – Mark 6:7-13

In this sermon, Pastor Phillip discusses Jesus sending out the 12 disciples and how this mission they were on was completely different than what the Jews had in mind. Focusing on the unique nature of their mission, Pastor Phillip discusses how each of us are called in different ways to serve in the Kingdom of […]

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The Unwelcome Home Town Hero – Mark 6:1-5

Have you always enjoyed being welcomed with open arms when you go back home? Have you always had friends and family show their love and appreciation for you? Jesus went back to His home town where He had spent 30 years as a carpenter and they rejected Him. Why? Because they did not have faith. In this […]

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Imagine following Jesus and one day having a crazed, ragged, and demon possessed man running towards Jesus…..and you. This is exactly what the disciples encountered in Mark 5:1-20. Jesus intentionally went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee to set this man free and to bring what no other person had been able […]

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