In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our verse by verse study of the book of Luke where today we see Jesus going back to his hometown of Nazareth and reading the prophecy of Scripture from Isaiah about Himself. Pastor Phillip illustrates the beauty of this message from Isaiah 61 and what it meant as […]
In today’s message, Pastor Phillip dives in on the first part of Luke 4 where Luke tells us that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. It wasn’t until Jesus was 30 years old when He was baptized by John, that he was anointed by the Holy Spirit. Through the working of […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Luke where John the Baptist is preaching the message of repentance and the hearts of the people are stirred by the moving of the Holy Spirit. They believe John may be the promised Messiah, but John points specifically to the one to come. In this […]
In this message, Pastor Nathan discusses the coming of John the baptist as the forerunner of the Messiah and the impact of the message of repentance for the Jewish people. There is a difference between saying “I’m sorry” and true, genuine repentance which Pastor Nathan explains that John the Baptist preached to Jewish people.
In this special Christmas message, Pastor Phillip delivers a beautiful Christmas message showing the humility of Jesus setting aside His glory for the purpose of redeeming all mankind. So much of the imagery that we see in the Christmas story displays the humility God intended to be on display: The shepherds, Christ being born as […]
In this sermon series, Pastor Phillip Telfer is teaching on the instances where we can clearly see Christ in the Old Testament book of Numbers. This is the second sermon in this series!
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in his expository teaching through the book of Galatians. As we have the past few weeks, Pastor Phillip continues to camp out on some very good teaching in Galatians 5 regarding the Fruits of the Spirit. This week he gives a very good Biblical introduction to the person of […]