In this message, Pastor Phillip teaches on the importance of understanding the normative work of God and how unrealistic expectations and misguided interpretation of scripture can cloud our thinking, making us believe that the extraordinary miracles that were experienced in Acts are something we should experience every day. He also admonishes us from scripture to […]
In today’s passage, we encounter an amazing act of kindness on behalf of a blind man. His friends come and beg Jesus to heal this man whom they love and care for. Jesus lovingly takes the man by the hand, leads him away from the group and then heals him. The profoundness of this passage […]
In this sermon, Pastor Nathan dives into Jesus’ miraculous activities once He had fed more than five thousand people. A miracle in and of itself! In this passage, we see Christ deal with the issue of His disciples embracing modern ideas that are outside God’s plan, see Christ make a priority of prayer, and His […]