In this message, Pastor Phillip covers the last three fruits of the Spirit: Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. Faithfulness is one that’s not so popular in today’s culture because faithfulness involves duty and duty is not something everyone’s ready to jump on – but God delights in faithfulness because He is faithful. Pastor Phillip explains what […]

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James Chapter 5 – Part 5

In this message, Pastor Phillip teaches through James 5 where James instructs those who are sick to call upon the Elders of the church to pray for them. There are several difficult questions that Pastor Phillip deals with like: “Why doesn’t it explicitly say that the prayer of faith will heal them?”, “Is it God’s […]

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James Chapter 1 – Part 8

In this message, Pastor Phillip deals with a tricky subject of us being doers not just hearers of the Word of God. The trickiness of this subject stems from Christians wanting to ensure that our salvation in Christ is not a matter of work, but grace through faith. Pastor Phillip makes the clear distinction in […]

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