Today’s message from our study in the book of Luke focuses on a man named Simeon who was looking for and longing for the consolation of Israel – Jesus Christ. Luke makes this important emphasis on the life of Simeon since he was a devout and righteous man, someone that God desires us to also […]
In this special Christmas message, Pastor Phillip delivers a beautiful Christmas message showing the humility of Jesus setting aside His glory for the purpose of redeeming all mankind. So much of the imagery that we see in the Christmas story displays the humility God intended to be on display: The shepherds, Christ being born as […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in his study of the book of Luke and today focuses on the wonderful message that the Angel Gabriel gave to Mary in announcing that she would be the mother of the Messiah!
This week Pastor Phillip begins a new sermon series teaching through the book of Luke as we begin the countdown towards Christmas! In this message, Pastor Phillip highlights the life of Zacharias and Elizabeth, the parents to John the Baptist, who had the faith of Abraham and were righteous and blameless before God. They are […]
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Phillip discusses how Christ is found through the story of Balaam which is found in Numbers. Balaam was asked by Balak the King of Moab to curse the Israelites because he felt threatened, but God had other plans. Listen to find out how Christ is seen through this historical account!
In today’s sermon, Pastor Phillip brings to us another illustration of Christ in Numbers from the events surrounding God’s provision of water from the rock – only Moses wasn’t obedient in following God’s instruction.
In this sermon series, Pastor Phillip Telfer is teaching on the instances where we can clearly see Christ in the Old Testament book of Numbers. This is the second sermon in this series!