In today’s message by Pastor Phillip, we focus on the response that his hometown gave to the message preached in his synagogue and the miracles that he performed shortly after. Here we see Jesus’ own friends reject Him and His message because of their familiarity – a warning to us even today. We also see […]
In today’s message, Pastor Phillip dives in on the first part of Luke 4 where Luke tells us that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. It wasn’t until Jesus was 30 years old when He was baptized by John, that he was anointed by the Holy Spirit. Through the working of […]
Today’s message from our study in the book of Luke focuses on a man named Simeon who was looking for and longing for the consolation of Israel – Jesus Christ. Luke makes this important emphasis on the life of Simeon since he was a devout and righteous man, someone that God desires us to also […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues teaching through the book of Luke leading up to Christmas 2024. Here we see the exciting event unfold of Zachariah’s tongue be loosed and he be able to speak again after the birth of his son, John the Baptist, and the incredible prophecy that he speaks under the inspiration […]
In this week’s message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Luke and dives in deep to look at the events surrounding Mary’s visit to her relative Elizabeth. He describes the first known instance in the New Testament where the Holy Spirit breaks His 400 years of silence, Mary’s hasty flight to her cousin’s home […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in his study of the book of Luke and today focuses on the wonderful message that the Angel Gabriel gave to Mary in announcing that she would be the mother of the Messiah!
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues to focus on the fruits of the Spirit and cultivating each of these in the garden of our hearts by the help of the Holy Spirit. This week he talks about the difference between patience and long-suffering, two words which are both used in the New Testament, but different […]