In this message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Luke where John the Baptist is preaching the message of repentance and the hearts of the people are stirred by the moving of the Holy Spirit. They believe John may be the promised Messiah, but John points specifically to the one to come. In this […]
In this message, Pastor Nathan discusses the coming of John the baptist as the forerunner of the Messiah and the impact of the message of repentance for the Jewish people. There is a difference between saying “I’m sorry” and true, genuine repentance which Pastor Nathan explains that John the Baptist preached to Jewish people.
In this message, Pastor Phillip continues teaching through the book of Luke leading up to Christmas 2024. Here we see the exciting event unfold of Zachariah’s tongue be loosed and he be able to speak again after the birth of his son, John the Baptist, and the incredible prophecy that he speaks under the inspiration […]
In this week’s message, Pastor Phillip continues in our study of Luke and dives in deep to look at the events surrounding Mary’s visit to her relative Elizabeth. He describes the first known instance in the New Testament where the Holy Spirit breaks His 400 years of silence, Mary’s hasty flight to her cousin’s home […]
This week Pastor Phillip begins a new sermon series teaching through the book of Luke as we begin the countdown towards Christmas! In this message, Pastor Phillip highlights the life of Zacharias and Elizabeth, the parents to John the Baptist, who had the faith of Abraham and were righteous and blameless before God. They are […]
Have you ever had someone get very upset with you over something you did or said? You remember, they have the “I’m going to come and get you and make you pay!” kind of attitude? Well, you would have been in good company with John the Baptist. Someone was after him, and she wanted his […]