Here in this passage, Jesus encounters a young man who is eager to follow Him but is hindered by the riches he posses. While this young man loved his possessions more than the Lord, we have to ask ourselves if there is anything we are unwilling to surrender to follow Jesus.
Addressing an often neglected subject in the Church today, Pastor Phillip gives a lesson in Hell 101. Wanting to leave a deep impression upon the disciples, Jesus uses a historically and prophetically significant reference to “The valley of the son of Hinnom” or Gehenna. A place known for child sacrifice and refuse burning, Jesus uses […]
In this message, Pastor Phillip addresses a concept not commonly taught among evangelicals today – the rewards we as followers of Christ will receive. Jesus taught this concept and it’s important that we recognize its importance. However, as Pastor Phillip discusses, we don’t simply receive a reward for doing something in Jesus’ name, but the […]
How is it that our parents often knew when we had done something wrong growing up? Here in this passage Jesus catches His disciples having discussed who would be the greatest in the kingdom of God. As Pastor Phillip explains, Jesus had just told them about His death which confused them but their minds gravitated […]
Have you ever tried rowing a boat upstream? If you have, you probably remember it being very difficult if not impossible to do so. In this passage of Scripture, we see Jesus testing His disciples to see if they were going with the flow or against it. Many people had differing ideas about who Jesus […]
In today’s passage, we encounter an amazing act of kindness on behalf of a blind man. His friends come and beg Jesus to heal this man whom they love and care for. Jesus lovingly takes the man by the hand, leads him away from the group and then heals him. The profoundness of this passage […]
This week, we take another look at Mark 8:1-10 but this time focusing on Christ’s call on the disciples to co-labor with Him in feeding the people that had gathered in that wilderness. Pastor Phillip zeros in on Christ’s call for us to co-labor with Him in His work through stewardship of the resources He […]