In this sermon, Pastor Nathan continues looking at Paul’s argument for his apostleship and the gospel he is preaching in Galatians chapter 2. The Apostle Paul brings up and a confrontation He had with the Apostle Peter because he was not living according to the Gospel and withdrew from eating...

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In this study of the second chapter of Galatians, Pastor Phillip dives in to the defense that Paul makes of his ministry to the Galatian church, showing that he is qualified and authorized by Jesus to speak the Gospel that he preached. There are at least three different defenses that...

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Study in Galatians – Chapter 1 Part 1

Today, Pastor Phillip begins a new study through the book of Galatians! He focuses on an introduction to the book and dives into some of the topics that Paul begins with right out of the gate. This book is different than other books that Paul wrote because he is writing...

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Christ in Leviticus – Part 4

This last message from the series “Christ in Leviticus” Pastor Phillip wraps up with 3 final illustrations from the book of Leviticus that point to Jesus and help us understand how God is weaving the story of redemption from the very beginning!

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Christ in Leviticus – Part 3

In the book of Leviticus, there are two obscure laws. The first discussing how a leper was to purify himself after being cleansed from leprosy and the second having to do with the year of Jubilee that Israel was supposed to celebrate every 50 years. Pastor Phillip draws from these...

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Christ in Leviticus – Part 2

In today’s message, Pastor Phillip returns to Leviticus answering a very important question about the book, but also showing how the Old Testament book of Leviticus really was paving the way – was the foreshadowing of Christ’s death and the atonement that He would make for us. This is a...

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Remaining Hopeful in a Hopeless World

In this message, Pastor Justin addresses what many people face from time to time – hopelessness. When we get caught up in the cares of this life, it’s so easy to quickly become hopeless. But God has provided a way for us to be a people of hope and live...

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