James Chapter 5 – Part 6

In this message, Pastor Phillip wraps up his teaching from last week talking about James’ admonition to call the elders for prayer when a person is sick and an alternate viewpoint regarding deathbed ministry. He also begins teaching on verse 16 and dealing with the issues of reconciliation and dealing...

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James Chapter 5 – Part 5

In this message, Pastor Phillip teaches through James 5 where James instructs those who are sick to call upon the Elders of the church to pray for them. There are several difficult questions that Pastor Phillip deals with like: “Why doesn’t it explicitly say that the prayer of faith will...

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James Chapter 5 – Part 4

Do the scriptures say that we should not make oaths at all? In today’s sermon, Pastor Phillip teaches on James 5:12 which tells us specifically not to swear, or in other words, to take an oath. However we see instances from scripture where even Apostles, even James himself, either encouraged...

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James Chapter 5 – Part 2

Teaching from James 5:7-8, Pastor Phillip explains how James is encouraging the believers to trust in the Lord even in the midst of their hardships and sufferings, because God is the one who will make right every wrong. The illustration of the farmer planting the seed and patiently waiting for...

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James Chapter 4 – Part 4

In this message, Pastor Phillip deals with a fundamental attitude of our heart that we deal with on a regular basis: Are we truly submitted to Jesus Christ as our Lord in everything? James in the latter part of chapter 4 deals with outward actions that display the inward focus...

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James Chapter 4 – Part 3

In this message, Pastor Phillip discusses the importance of not speaking evil of one another and explaining why James relates it to judging one another. Looking into the examples that Jesus gives in the gospels, he shows us how we easily judge the hearts of others but neglect to hold...

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James Chapter 4 – Part 2

In this message, Pastor Nathan discusses how pride is the at the heart of so much of the sin that we commit but that God calls us to repentance and humility. Digging into the heart of God’s desire for us, we see how devious pride really is but how God’s...

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James Chapter 4 – Part 1

In this message, Pastor Phillip begins teaching from James 4 which takes a surprising turn. James begins addressing the reasons why his audience experiences fighting, disputes, and a lack of peace and how they (as well as we) can begin making steps of restitution in our lives.

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James Chapter 3 – Part 2

In this message, Pastor Justin continues teaching from Chapter 3 and makes the contrast between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom that is pointed out by James. Like large magnets sitting around a compass would cause confusion as to true direction, so the world, the flesh, and the devil offer wisdom...

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James Chapter 3 – Part 1

As we start a new chapter in James, Pastor Phillip deals with the destructive power of the tongue and how we as people so easily sin with our tongue. He makes an important connection to the verse at the beginning of the passage that those in the church or home...

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